Monday, July 25, 2011


Alright! So I'm back, re-energized, with fresh ideas.  I went to my first big Professional Development conference- MEGA this week! It was wonderful! I got to spend some time with wonderful, passionate teachers and professionals.  I won't go into detail in this post, but I have some great new tools, songs, and overall fun stuff to implement this year.  Along with lots of information about Assistive Technology (AT) for my students. Best of all, I got to sit on the lap of Dr. Jean, yes THE Dr. JEAN of  Haha, she and the rest of the group sang a song about how special I am, I always knew it! And definitely did Tooty Ta with her as well! However, there were no pictures/video taken and this disappoints me, just a little!

I've also come across this Facebook Page and website-, meaning Apps for Children with Special Needs.  It focuses on the use of iPads and Apps with Students with Special Needs * And provides great information, iPads, and apps to Teachers/therapists of students with special needs.  I purchased an iPad to implement at school.  All of us, my students and myself, were exploring and learning how to use it most effectively.  They caught on SOO fast.  It's amazing how much of a difference these devices can make in the life of a child with special needs.  It can provide a voice to a child who has never spoken, & provide hope to parents who have not received much hope from doctors.  I have seen a child who does not engage in interaction with peers, be the leader of the group when participating in a shared activity on an iPad.  The possibilities are endless! The person in charge is a parent (of a child with special needs) who has so graciously donated time, energy, effort, etc. to provide iPads to many children across the US, Canada, Australia, and other places.  They need help spreading the word and raising money to get more iPads.  Please visit the site, like them on Facebook, and spread the word.

Keep Reading and Singing....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A few things I've learned...

So to get the ball rolling, I'd like to take a few days to document a few things I've already learned from my teaching experience. It's difficult to put them in order so....i'll just start!

  • Everyday I spend time with amazing children who have some 'extra special' qualities!  These children, as are all children, are wonderful, inspiring, loving, little creations.  They are also strong-willed, stubborn, and emotional characters.  Why do we, so often, take the second set of qualities and classify them as negative?  It's control- as adults, we feel like we are supposed to be in control.  As a teacher, who am I to try to put a lid on (control) a child's learning?  I am there to guide, support, engage, and lead, but not control!
  • Communication is always present!  Even though young children, and children with disabilities, don't always use words, they are always communicating with us! Positive and negative behavior, glances, tears, smiles, hugs, hits, and many, many other actions are forms of communication!  Always be mindful of a child's behavior as a part of communication!  
  • All they need is Love...and Discipline!  Those precious screams and tears from telling them no are NOT going to be as cute when the child is 16 and is still being treated like a 6 year old.  It's okay & in ALL cases, appropriate, to discipline children, YES, even children with disabilities! (This is a soapbox of mine that will probably show up MANY, MANY times).  SET LIMITS and STICK TO THEM! While my students know that  I love them, and would do anything for/with them, they also learn that I mean business...when it's time to work, it's time to work! When it's time to play...Miss Amanda will be right in the middle of it! :)
  • Read and Sing, Read and Sing, Read and Sing! Of course it's silly, and yes, you will look like a crazy person in front of other adults, but embrace it- they're just jealous the children like you more!
  • Oh yeah- it might not always be a good idea to use shaving cream as a sensory activity for children who try to eat everything....USE COOL WHIP or WHIPPED CREAM! :) Tastes much better.
More to come.... :)  Manda

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New beginnings...

Well- I've decided to take my turn at blogging as I'm getting ready to start the next school year.  I've been a special education teacher for 2 years, and I absolutely love it!  I have an amazing group of students who inspire me to grow and learn more for them.  I ABSOLUTELY love my job, and could not imagine doing anything else at this point in my life!  Everyday is a new adventure and I'd like to share my successes and failures- and some days the failures far outnumber the successes.  While it seems like teaching consumes my whole life during the school year- it really doesn't, so I'll also have some fun posting about my own adventures (outside of work).  Like one of my favorite artists sings, "Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride."  I always try to find the sunshine through the clouds, but we all need a little rain sometimes!   :)